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no worship gatherings this Sunday, 7/28
Also, The Parish is looking for an Executive / Associate Pastor to join our team.
Learn more and apply here ‣

Being Conformed to the Image of Christ (March 21, 2021)

Learning to release control is imperative to spiritual formation. Robert Mulholland says, "Spiritual formation is the great reversal: from acting to being acted upon, from being the subject who controls to being a person who is shaped by God." Listen along as we continue the journey of being shaped to the image of Christ.
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The Parish Vision Night – Fall, 2018

Join us Friday, September 14th  for a night of vision, worship, and prayer. We’ll gather from 7-9pm at The Parish to celebrate God’s unique calling for our church community, and what we sense the next season looks like for the life of our congregation.
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SUMMER SABBATH – No Services in July

Each year during the month of July, The Parish takes a “Summer Sabbath.” For one month, we take a break from our typical rhythm of Sunday worship services. Instead, during this month we encourage you to invest time with family,…

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Lent Practices – Week 6 – 3.20.2018

THEME:Subtracting Power, Gaining Honor BREATH PRAYER: Jesus, give me a desire to surrender my power and follow You. CENTERING: I declare what I have seen in the Father’s presence; as for you, you should do what you have heard from…

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Ash Wednesday Chapel – 6am-1pm

Join us Wednesday, February 14 for our Ash Wednesday prayer chapel. Details are below, email us at if you have any questions or need more information. Where: The Cottage, 37 Church Street, Alpharetta, GA 30009 When: Wednesday, February 14,…

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Family Worship Experience | October 29

At The Parish, we love families. And we love worship. So what could be better than a family worship service? On Sunday, October 29 at 10:30am, we'll have a unique time of gathering as a full Parish family. Be prepared:…

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EHS Practices – Week 6 – Day 3

THEME: Finding a Rhythm BREATH PRAYER: Jesus, help me slow down and experience Your goodness SETTLING IN: In a journal, note the day, time, and place you’re sitting. Open with a few moments of silence. Rest, and breathe deeply. Complete…

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Parish Family Ministry | April

Happy April! This month at The Parish, our kids are coming right along with us as we move through Lent and toward Easter. We can't wait to celebrate our risen Lord together on April 16! Please note that on April…

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Parish Text Updates