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Family Ministry at The Parish endeavors to care for parents, children, and teens as they walk together in the way of Jesus. We take seriously the privilege of coming alongside parents as they apprentice their children in God’s family.

To protect children, all Parish Family Ministry volunteers are background-checked and receive extensive training. If you’d prefer, children are always welcome to stay with their parents/guardians in the worship service.

Babies & Preschool

Loving, well-trained leaders care for newborns through 5 years at the 9 am and 11 am gatherings.


Parish Kids is our space for K-4th students and is available at both the 9 am and 11 am gatherings.

Middle School

5th-6th and 7th-8th graders explore the story of Jesus over donuts during the 11 am gathering.

High School

High Schoolers join the primary worship gathering on Sunday mornings and meet every other Wednesday from 6:30 – 8 pm.

Family Ministry

Parish Kids

New Beginnings (Babies & Walkers)
As all new beginnings bring wonder and joy, so do our youngest children in The Parish. One level below the sanctuary, the babies and walkers wing is led by loving, well-trained volunteers.

Follow (Older 2’s – Pre-K)
Our preschool children have a kid-friendly environment with age appropriate toys and caring leaders. We call this area Follow because it is a life stage of learning by imitation. In this stage, children learn together to follow the early stepping stones along the way of Jesus.

Parish Kids (Kindergarten – 4th Grade)
We emphasize discovery for our K-4th graders, because they are in a life stage that invites them to awaken more deeply to life with God. Curiosity and excitement mark the journey through this formative phase of growing, so we laugh, play, and adventure through God’s Big Story to discover the love Jesus has for us.

Our Parish Kids model is based on “storying”, which creates space for students to hear, embody, and explore a story from Scripture told in everyday language. Each week, after a time of singing and stories, kids break into age-based groups to build friendships and practice simple habits they can use to cultivate life with God. Toward the end of the morning, elementary kids are guided back into the main gathering to join parents for communion and closing prayers.

Our Parish Kids teachers and small group leaders generously commit to being with the kids multiple weeks per month over the school year. It’s a big commitment, but we think consistency makes a real difference as our leaders cultivate meaningful relationships with the kids in their small groups each week.

5th & 6th
5th and 6th graders sit in the transitional space between elementary and middle school. As they ask different questions and bring different maturity than both their younger and older peers, we have a dedicated space just for them during the 11 am gathering only. Over donuts and age-appropriate conversation, we explore the life of Jesus in the context of their lives.

Stages of Formation

Our Parish Kids stages draw cues from an ancient model of spiritual formation first outlined by  Teresa of Avila in her classic The Interior Castle. Each room/area of Parish Kids is named after a stage in the classic spiritual journey of formation which also echoes their development as growing people. The stage names are adapted from Mansions of the Heart, a book aimed to modernize Teresa of Avila’s model.

  • New Beginnings (in the family of Jesus)
  • Follow (the way of Jesus)
  • Discover (the love of Jesus)

Family Ministry

Parish Youth

7th and 8th Graders meet Sunday mornings during the 11 am service only in a casual, small-group environment. This area engages our home-grown spiritual formation catechism A Big Enough Story. Together, we explore the five major acts of Scripture to see how God is at work to rescue and renew his good Story, and how we have a role to play in that.

Parish Youth creates intentional spaces for high schoolers as they navigate the final chapter of life before adulthood. We encourage our high schoolers to participate in the main worship gathering on Sunday mornings. Then, the Parish High School community gathers for dedicated time together every other Wednesday night at 905 Steeplechase Rd. to explore the way of Jesus in the midst of their particular context and stage of life. Gatherings include a light dinner, casual conversation, spiritual practices, and reflection on Scripture. High schoolers also meet together for lunch on the first Sunday of each month.

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