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Pentecost, 2024: God’s Spirit Wind

On the day of Pentecost, we consider how God's Holy Spirit is the giver of life – beginning with genesis of all things through the birth of the Church. How can we be a community inhaling the breath of God and exhaling it as passers of peace for the renewal of the world?
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Eastertide: Do Not Cling (May 12, 2024)

On Ascension Sunday, Jordan is joined by special guest Barry Grecu. We consider Jesus’ lived pattern of death, resurrection, and ascension known as the paschal mystery, and how we learn to live in light of the way we did.
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Eastertide: The Surprising Spirit (May 5, 2024)

The Holy Spirit falls on a household of unbaptized gentiles at Cornelius' house. This week, we reflect on what to make of the surprising Spirit, and the ever-enlarging sense the early Church was beginning to understand around who could be included in God's story. 
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