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AfterWords | Creation Came

AfterWords is a series of reflections by contributors as they share their personal experience of God in community at The Parish on Sundays.

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A short poem
by Bill Stark

Creation Came

Creation came and ushered life
A newfound day with na’ry strife
A golden world, divinely made,
A gift to cherish, not to fade.

Then I saw a dimmer light
And sudden did it change my plight
Great fear and doubts came all around
Then toiled in vein upon the ground.

Then a rising came to me
A wave of love then turned to glee
I must now die to have this life
I must resign from all my strife.

Now my life reverberates
And opens lofty, wondrous gates
From heaven where great love is spilled
And covers me, now life fulfilled.

Parishioner Bill Stark has recently published a collection of poetry, Divine Intersections, available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

Want to contribute to AfterWords?  From poems to paintings to a child’s drawing in Parish Kids, we welcome voices from those who call the Parish home. To learn more, email

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