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Daily Practices – Week 3 – Day 4

THEME: Jesus is calling me to slow down.

GRACE: Lord, let me hear Your voice as I make space to listen.

Settling in:

  • In a journal, note the day, time, and place you’re sitting.
  • Open with a few moments of silence. Rest, and breathe deeply.
  • Complete the following sentence in your journal: Today, I feel ________________.
  • Read these words slowly (aloud or silently):

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.”  (Matthew 11:28, MSG)

  • Pause for a few moments of silence.


  • Choose one of the following practices.

Option 1: Sabbath – “4-Hour” [5-30 minutes]

God’s greatest gift of simplicity is the Sabbath, a 24-hour period of rest in which we stop all “work” and enjoy the life God has given us. Sabbath is never a last-minute practice, it requires our planning and preparation. If Sabbath is not a regular practice for you, it can be overwhelming to try and find a full 24-hour period. This week, we will start small and begin with a “4-Hour Sabbath.”

During your “practice” time, look at your calendar for the rest of the week, and find a place where you can cease all work for four hours. This includes chores, to-dos, anything that is a “have-to” in your life. Once you find it, mark that time on your calendar and don’t let anything move it!

Then, take a moment to answer the following questions in your journal:

  1. What work or activities will you have to accomplish before your 4- Hour Sabbath in order to truly rest and enjoy the time? Write each item down and note when would be a good time to do each activity.
  2. What activities do I need to specifically refrain from in order to fully rest and delight in the simplicity of Sabbath?
  3. What activities bring me delight and joy, and how could I incorporate them into this time?

Enjoy your “4-Hour Sabbath this week!

Option 2: Sabbath – Preparation [30-60 minutes]

God’s greatest gift of simplicity is the Sabbath, a 24-hour period of rest in which we stop all “work” and enjoy the life God has given us. Sabbath is never a last-minute practice, it requires our planning and preparation.

During your “practice” time, look at your calendar for the rest of the week and find a place where you could cease all work for 24 hours. This includes chores, to-dos, anything that is a “have-to” in your life. This may be difficult to imagine, but it can be radically life-giving. Once you find it, mark the time in your calendar and don’t let anything move it!

Then, take a moment to answer the following questions in your journal:

  1. What work or activities will you have to accomplish before your Sabbath in order to truly rest and enjoy the time? Make a plan to accomplish those items during the rest of your week.
  2. What activities should I specifically refrain from in order to fully rest and delight in the simplicity of Sabbath?
  3. What activities bring me delight and joy, and how could I incorporate them into this time? (Don’t schedule your Sabbath time! Simply create the list, and use it as you see fit throughout the day.)

Enjoy your Sabbath rest this week!

  • Summary: Write a brief summary (five sentences or less) of what you discovered during your Sabbath preparation.
  • Closing Prayer: Lord, let me hear Your voice as I make space to listen.

Questions? Please email us at

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