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no worship gatherings this Sunday, 7/28
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Why I Can’t Wait for Saturday…

Screen Shot 2014-02-27 at 11.12.15 AMI can’t wait for Saturday night.

Really, I can’t wait. I can honestly say I’m more excited this week about our Parish gathering than I have been about the others that have come before. Even more than our very first meeting, there’s a sense of joy and energy that has made this week fly by in anticipation of Saturday night.

Why? Well, that’s the best part. It’s not because there’s a special surprise, or that we’re unveiling some kind of new element or initiative. It’s not because I’ve got a killer sermon prepared (in fact, our friend Candi Shelton is teaching this week, which is reason enough to be excited!).

The reason I can’t wait is that Danielle and I have been watching a church begin to come together right before our eyes. Over the last two weeks, people from our team have jumped in headfirst and begun leading the charge in making this Saturday happen, and it’s completely blown us away.

I didn’t notice it at first, but day-by-day more people began stepping in to help, and suddenly yesterday I found myself completely overwhelmed. As I started checking my email, messages from the team members started flooding in. Michele was leading the charge, working on everything from coordinating our team to printing our liturgy for the week. Andy was preparing to pick up the truck and all of the production gear on Friday. Josh was working on recruiting and training production volunteers. Ryan had planned all the music and organized the band. Candi had planned a great sermon. And a small army of volunteers from the Sheltons’ Table Group volunteered to help lead us through the service.

I’m so excited because this Saturday will be more than just people showing up for a worship service. It will be the work of a congregation; a rag-tag gathering of new friends who are dedicated to not just attending a church, but being the church. It’s people worshipping as they set up chairs, worshipping in the way they carefully craft a song, in the way they wrap cables and buy coffee and park cars.

So come join us in worshipping alongside this new community of friends that’s beginning to form. I can’t wait for Saturday, and I hope to see you there.

– Eddie

PARISH GATHERING: Saturday, March 1st at 6:00pm

Muse & Co Fine Art

23 Oak Street, Roswell, GA 30075

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