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no worship gatherings this Sunday, 7/28
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Tuesdays at The Parish

For many of us, The Parish has become a regular part of our Sunday evening schedule. For the past two months, however, Tuesday nights have been an equally important time of connection and learning. We’ve just concluded two great Parish Classes that met for six weeks each, and each group has been a tremendous experience. Here’s a quick update on what happened, and what to expect for the Spring:

The Anglican Way – Starting in September, we began walking through The Anglican Way, a fantastic book by the Rev. Thomas Mckenzie. Through six great weeks of conversation, we explored what Anglicanism is all about, and why it matters to our formation journey. We learned the basics of the Anglican Church, and even got to share in a special Q&A time with the author. Along the way, we got to know one another on a much deeper level and built friendships for the road ahead. So if you find yourself at a Parish Gathering wondering, “why do we do that?” Find someone who was a part of this Parish Class, and they’ll be glad to share the answer. Better yet, be sure to sign up for this class when it opens again in the Spring of 2015.

The Life & Works of C. S. Lewis – If you’ve ever read The Chronicles of Narnia, The Screwtape Letters, or Mere Christianity, you know how incredible the works of C. S. Lewis really are. It was even more incredible to spend six weeks learning from and discussing with John Hambrick, a life-long scholar of Lewis’ works. After learning about his life and friendship with J. R. R. Tolkien (The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings author), the class dove deep into Lewis’ fascinating allegory of heaven and hell in The Great Divorce. The discussion was rich, and applied directly to the way we live our lives in the world around us.

Parish Classes are meant to form our thinking and change our way of living, and these weeks spent together did exactly that. We learned something new and challenging each week, built friendships, connected with people on a deeper level, and were challenged to view the world around us in a much different light. If you haven’t had a chance to connect in a Parish Class, make sure you sign up next Spring. It’s a great opportunity to take a next-step in your personal journey of Formation, Community, and Mission.

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