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no worship gatherings this Sunday, 7/28
Also, The Parish is looking for an Executive / Associate Pastor to join our team.
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New Location, New Day, and a Night of Worship


There are some big things happening this fall at The Parish. For the past few months, our team has been praying and seeking God’s direction for the future of this new church. In the process, God has provided for us in a way that we never could’ve expected, and we’re so excited to finally be able to share it with you. Here goes…

Coming Home To A New Location

Over the past three months, we have been blessed to gather at First Baptist Alpharetta. Steve Smith, Dave Gunter, and the rest of the FBCA team has been nothing short of rock-stars in the way they have loved and served our church. Sadly, their calendar for the church-remodeling project has shifted considerably, and unfortunately in the fall there will be no room in the inn! We are so sad to have to go, and for a while were wondering what in the world God was up to…

…until I got a call from a friend at Legacy Community Academy, who mentioned that they had been praying for a church who could meet in their new facility. After praying hard, talking with the Legacy team, and hearing their incredible vision, we couldn’t be more excited about meeting in this new facility for the coming year. So beginning August 3, 2014, we’ll be hosting Parish Gatherings at an incredible new location, just south of downtown Alpharetta on Highway 9. For details and dates, click here.

There’s so much more to this story than a blog post can handle. The way it came about was such a God-inspired coincidence. The vision for seeing community renewal is inspiring. And the possibility for this space to be a center for mission gets me more excited than ever. But you probably need to see it to know what I mean, and that’s why this Saturday is so important…

A Night to Celebrate & Dream – Saturday, June 28, 6:00pm

In light of this big news, before we take a break for our Summer Sabbath, we wanted to have an opportunity to gather as a church inside our new location. This is our chance to tell the story of God’s incredible faithfulness to us, worship and thank Him for what he’s already done, and pray boldly for the future of our church and our city.

So this Saturday, June 28 at 6:00pm we’ll be gathering for a Night of Worship & Vision. We will be meeting in our new location, at 11940 Alpharetta Highway, Alpharetta, GA 30009. The walls aren’t painted, the floors aren’t finished; it’s still a work in progress. But together, we’ll pray for the future and imagine what God can do through a local community, transformed by Christ and empowered to be His church. This will be a significant night in the life of our church, so don’t miss it!

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday

Our first official Gathering in the new location will be August 3, 2014 – which, in case you missed it, is a Sunday. Starting in August, The Parish will begin gathering on Sunday evenings at 5:00pm. There are several important reasons for this shift, but more than anything we felt strongly that God was leading us in this direction so we’re making the change. All the dates for our fall Gatherings can be found by clicking here, so mark your calendars and make plans to be with us in August!

That’s a lot of information for one blog post, and if you have any questions please let us know. We are so excited about what God’s been up to, and can’t wait to see what lies ahead.

– Eddie


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