On the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month throughout the Fall we’ll gather outdoors in mid-sized, community-based House Churches. House Churches meet in Alpharetta, Roswell, Forsyth, and online.
What’s a House Church?
- House Churches are mid-sized, regional gatherings of our church – think something in between a small group and a full church gathering.
- House Churches mean we gather as a church in a neighborhood-based, relational, participatory, interactive manner. While a fitting expression in our current times, House Churches are also a unique nod to way of life embodied by the early church. We’re so excited about this opportunity as it will allow us to further connect, worship, and “do life” with families in our own geographical communities.
- A typical House Church gathering will include live music, prayer, casual discussion, and spiritual practices.
- A few days before each House Church we’ll post a 5-10 minute talk online and to the podcast which will function as a guide and discussion starter for that week’s House Church. Watch it in advance to get the wheels turning if you can, but still feel welcome to participate on Sunday even if you haven’t listened in advance.
When & Where
- To best facilitate House Churches in light of capacity & covid-19, we’re assigning each participant to a particular area House Church based on their location. If you haven’t already been assigned to a particular House Church, please fill out this form and our team will guide you to the best location for you to participate in.
- All are welcome to join the Online House Church anytime (even without an assignment/RSVP). Simply join via Zoom at 10:30am on Sunday.
Family Ministry
- In House Churches, children will participate with adults as part of the overall gathering. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we ask children to stay with their family throughout the gathering.
- We’ll provide Parish Kids packs each week with a pre-planned activity that allows children to engage that particular gathering’s theme in age-appropriate ways. We’ll also carve out some time during each gathering to focus on the kids and allow them to lead the adults in Scripture Readings or prayers.
- We’ll have coloring sheets, crayons, and other basic activities for the little ones, and feel free to bring any other engaging materials you’d like. Children are part of our church family, so don’t worry if they wiggle or make noise.
- If you choose to seek outside childcare, we’ll 100% reimburse those costs for you. Click here for more information.
What Should I Bring? What should I know?
- Each House Church will be approximately an hour long, and be outside and socially distant.
- Please bring a towel/blanket or chair to sit on.
- We will continue to maintain social distancing practices, including meeting outside and seating households six feet apart.
- Masks are optional during the gathering once everyone is seated in their distanced spaces. We do ask you to wear a mask as you arrive and exit, and any time you are talking with or are within six feet of another person outside of your household.
- In the event of forecasted inclement weather, we will cancel the in-person house churches and all meet online.