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Season of Advent at The Parish, see details here ‣

Walk With Me | Formed by the Two Books – A Creation Liturgy (September 12, 2021)

This week we explored the formative influence of "The Two Great Books". Throughout history, Church fathers & mothers have spoken of God's revelation in both the book of Scripture and the "book" of Creation/Nature. Many of us need fresh permission to experience God prayerfully in the world he has made. This world is God-soaked and creation itself is an ongoing worship service already in progress. Take some time and listen to this Creation Liturgy playlist on Spotify next time you go on a walk, hike, or adventure and see if God meets you in a fresh way as you experience creation.
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Rainy Day | A Contemplative Prayer Gathering

In anticipation of "rainy days" during this season of outdoor church gatherings, we've created some simple and spacious prayer services to call on when needed. This first "Rainy Day" gathering was created by David Darnell and a handful of others in our Parish community. We encourage you to find a quiet space to meet with God as this video guides you in a 25 minute time of prayer.
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Prayer Guide: Loss, Life, and Resurrected Purpose

This prayer guide walks you through the process of charting your losses in this season then looking with fresh imagination for how God might raise you up to fresh purpose on the other side of pain. We encourage you to take 30 minutes this week and use this worksheet to guide a time of journaling and prayer.
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Resource: Fasting as a Spiritual Practice

Fasting has been a part of the Judeo-Christian tradition for millenia. We see it used throughout the bible. In fact, Jesus began his ministry with forty days of fasting! Fasting is used for a variety of reasons, one of those reasons being to empty ourselves so to focus more intently on God.
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