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Season of Advent at The Parish, see details here ‣

Itty-bitty Faith in a Very Big God

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Pastor Benjamin Wills shares how our ordinary faith orients us to a reality that our faith is in the King of the universe.

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Breath Prayer

Lord, use the ordinary moments of my day to do what You please with me and in me.


Luke 17:5-10

Teaching Outline

Pastor Benjamin shares in the teaching, preaching, and shepherding of God’s people at Redeemer and, specifically, oversees discipleship at the church. In addition to his pastoral role at Redeemer, Pastor Benjamin is the Founder and Head of School of Peace Preparatory Academy, a Christ-centered, independent, community school. Located in English Avenue, the heart of one of Atlanta’s most under resourced communities, Peace Prep exists to educate whole children, support whole families, and provide growth and change opportunities for whole communities.

Pastor Benjamin has a life-mission of imitating Jesus through advocating for those without a voice so that they will experience human flourishing; particularly children and families. He and his wife (Sara) embody their vision as they stand in the gap of advocating for children without voices by opening their home as foster and adoptive parents. They currently live in English Avenue with their 5 children.

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