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Being the Beloved: Broken

Being the Beloved
1. Being the Beloved: Chosen & Blessed
2. Being the Beloved: Broken
3. Being the Beloved: Given
4. Temptations of the Beloved: Blessing or Scarcity

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We continue exploring our identity as the people of God, collectively blessed, broken, and given for the sake of the world. All of us are both blessed and broken, and we carry both those realities in with us when we come to church. Building community as broken people is both one of the great challenges and gifts of becoming a people of God, so in this podcast we explore what to do with our brokenness and how to live alongside others who are broken as well. As we hear deeply the Voice that calls us Beloved, we are set free to exist in community without placing unrealistic demands on one another. As we support each other in our pain, we become a community of Wounded Healers given for the sake of others.

Breath Prayer

Jesus, thank you for all that is possible in the space that pain can create.

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