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Daily Practices – Week 6 – Day 4

THEME: Living like Jesus means loving like Jesus.

GRACE: Lord, give me eyes to see others the way that You see them.

Settling in:

  • In a journal, note the day, time, and place you’re sitting.
  • Open with a few moments of silence. Rest, and breathe deeply.
  • Complete the following sentence in your journal: Today, I feel ________________.
  • Read these words slowly (aloud or silently):

But may the righteous be glad

   and rejoice before God;

   may they be happy and joyful.

Sing to God, sing in praise of his name,

   extol him who rides on the clouds;

   rejoice before him—his name is the Lord. (Psalm 68:3-4, NIV)

  • Pause for a few moments of silence.


  • Choose one of the following practices.

Option 1: Celebration – Reflection [5-30 minutes]

The practice of celebration can draw us together in common unity with others in the body of Christ. Remembering God’s goodness and expressing our praise is something we do together each Sunday in worship, and it is important to continue this practice throughout the week.

Think through the day ahead, and note all of the people with whom you will interact. List their names in your journal.

After you have finished that list of names, write something beside each name that you can celebrate about that person. Even if it is a tiny detail, try to think of something specific in each person that is a reminder or reflection of God’s goodness.

Once you are finished, ask God to help you stay in a spirit of celebration throughout your day. As you go throughout the next 24 hours, see how many times God brings this list to mind, and celebrate God a little more with each person you meet.

Option 2: Celebration – Breath Prayer[30-60 minutes]

Take 15-30 minutes and finish the celebration practice listed above.

Once you have finished your list, read over it slowly. Take a few moments of silence and write down a “breath prayer” for the day. This short phrase is a small prayer that you can repeat silently with each breath as you go throughout the day.

Looking at your list, write out a small breath prayer that sums up all of your celebrations. For instance:

“Father, You are so good.”

“Provider, my cup overflows.”

“My heart is yours.”

As you go through your day, repeat this phrase silently as often as you can. Use your breath as a rhythm, praying one phrase as you breathe in, and the second as you breathe out. Carry this attitude of celebration throughout your day!

  • Summary: Write a brief summary (five sentences or less) of what you discovered during your practice of celebration.
  • Closing Prayer: Lord, give me eyes to see others the way that You see them.

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