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It Keeps Getting Better…

Screen Shot 2014-01-12 at 9.59.44 AMA few nights ago, as we wrapped up our first ever Parish Table Group, I joined Danielle in our living room and crashed on the floor. We were both tired, but really happy about what had happened over the last few hours. Then, my phone started to buzz with reports from the other groups that were wrapping up, and suddenly the tiredness didn’t matter. In homes from Midtown to South Forsyth, people gathered for dinner and conversation, and at the end of the night several great communities had begun to form.

Our Parish Gatherings in December and January have been incredible, but somehow last night the journey kept getting better. For almost a year, we’ve talked about building a church on a foundation of local community, encouraging people to get to know and care for their neighbors. Last night, that process started, and I can’t wait to see it continue to develop and grow.

For everyone who signed up and attended a Table Group, thanks for taking the risk, showing up, and making the night such a success. My hope is that you met at least one or two people that you connected deeply with, and that when we gather again for worship on February 1st you’ll feel a little bit more at home. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please email us and let us know. This is a brand-new journey for us, and we want to do whatever we can to make your Table Group somewhere you can’t wait to return.

For those of you who missed out, click the link to learn more or you can sign up by clicking here. Table Groups will meet the second Saturday of each month, so hopefully we’ll see you on February 8th!

Finally, for our incredible leaders who opened your homes and hosted a group last Saturday, I can’t thank you enough. You all are incredible friends, leaders, and pastors, and we’re blessed to do this alongside you!

Stay tuned to our blog, Facebook page, or Twitter account for more info coming soon. We’ve got some fun things coming up the rest of the month, and we’ll see you again for worship on Saturday, February 1st!

– Eddie

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