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The Lent Project | Day 6

Today’s Lent Project devotional is by Kristen Lamm. She is a member of our Leadership Team and hosts one of our South Forsyth Table Groups along with her husband, Josh.

Preparation is key in cooking. If you are like me, you wait until the last minute to find a new recipe to cook. You read through the ingredient list only to realize you are missing items and you don’t have time to go to the store. Or you haven’t given your self enough time to allow the dish to be ready in time for dinner. Or the last line of the directions has this word in it: “overnight.” Oops! I am guilty of all of the above, so don’t feel bad.

Preparing for stuff requires thought beforehand, which isn’t as easy as it seems. Life is busy and it never stops, and frankly, preparation can fall by the wayside in every area of life. But when we prepare to cook– well, that is when things come together and we feel like we could (and should) have our own cooking shows.

I know that seems funny, but that’s why I have loved this season of Lent so far. It has allowed me to prepare my heart and myself for the Easter Celebration, which as I said before is not an easy thing to do. Our culture makes it so easy to get focused on Spring and Easter Bunnies and Easter egg hunts (just to name a few) that we miss out.

The Lenten season’s focus being intentional with our time and creating space to experience God. The readings for today mentioned John the Baptist. It was his job to prepare the way for Jesus. God made sure there was a plan and preparation before Jesus started his ministry. It was intentional and it was crucial. I think the same is true in our own lives; preparation is key in our walk with God. When we are intentional in our relationship with God, I believe that we are more in sync with Him and His plans for us. This season of Lent is helping me to re-engage and refocus on my relationship with Him.

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