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Coffee/Beverage + Connect Table + Communion + 7th and 8th Room

  • Begin coffee brew first

    • complete steps 1-4 of “Coffee Brewing Instructions” (below)

    • set a timer for 20 minutes

  • Fill hot water container

  • Fill cold water container

  • Restock beverage table

    • condiment caddies

    • cold water cups

  • Set 7th/8th room

    • Move two chairs from foyer into middle room

    • Bring in blue rug from Parish Kids cart

    • Bring in 10-12 brown chairs?

    • Bring in 2 Sanctuary couches?

  • Set Connect Table

    • Restock connect cards, nametags, pens/sharpies, as needed

    • Place trash can next to table

  • Resume Coffee brewing instructions (at 20 minute timer)

  • Brew coffee to fill all air pots

  • Place 2 air pots on the beverage table for 9am service

    • After 3 Good Minutes in 9am service, check the coffee supply.

    •  If one air pot is near empty, remove that air pot and use it to brew an additional air pot for the 10:30am service. You will likely go through 5-6 full airpots for the two services.

    • (At the start of 10:30 service, place 4 full air pots out)

  • Put out half and half

    •  stored in conference room fridge

  • Wash hands prior to Communion table setup

  • Setup Communion table (see picture and below for all items):

    • Three candles (candles should not be lit until 8:45)

    • Two plates with approx 100 total crackers (50 per plate, crackers should be broken to approx 1 inch square, not smaller)

    • Two silver wine chalices (fill chalices ⅔ full first, for measurement, then pour all wine from both chalices into large gray pitcher)

    • 1 small silver grape juice chalice

    • Wooden cross

    • Priest’s Stole (long piece of fabric the Priest wears during Communion celebration, folded twice and placed to the right side)

    • Place hand sanitizer and lighter (on the ground behind leg of Communion table)



Coffee Brewing Instructions:


  1. Insert an empty funnel into the funnel rails

  2. Place an empty Air Pot under the funnel

  3. Pour 2 pitchers of tap water into the screened area on top of the brewer. Allow approximately 2 minutes between pitchers for water to flow into the tank.

  4. When the flow of water from the funnel stops, connect the brewer to the power source and wait approximately twenty minutes for the water in the tank to heat to the proper temperature. Some water will drip from the funnel during this time, this is due to expansion and should not occur thereafter.

  5. Empty the Air Pot and replace it under the funnel

  6. The brewer is now ready for use – begin brewing with t he steps below.

BREWING INSTRUCTIONS: (Repeat these steps for each Air Pot)

  1. Place the Air Pot under funnel

  2. Insert filter into funnel

  3. Using silver measuring cup, place 1 ¼  scoops of coffee grounds to the filter

  4. Insert funnel into brewer

  5. Pour 1 pitcher of water – filled to the line (52 oz.) slowly into the brewer

  6. When brewing is complete, complete steps 2-5 a second time. This will fill the Air Pot right to the top.

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