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Organizations We Love | Three Strands

Through the years we’ve been able to work and become friends with some incredible people. Many of those people were part of or have created organizations that are doing amazing things to restore their local communities. As a church that wants to empower those people and that type of restoration, we want to introduce them to you and hope you’ll find some inspiration in what God is doing to restore the world and how he may want to use you along the way.

Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 11.17.29 PMThis week’s organization was founded by a dear friend I worked with years ago at Injoy. I remember meeting Stacy for the first time and thinking, “How could anyone be more cute, competent and enjoyable?” She and her husband Ken had been married for a few years and were some of the most energetic, go-get-em type people I had ever been around. They were one of those couples that seemed too good to be true.

While we worked together, I ended up learning about their struggle with infertility and their eventual pursuit of adoption. Stacy was very open about the journey and the processes involved. It was often heartbreaking, but they both took heart, trusted God and loved each other well in the process. When they were finally able to adopt their oldest son, I remember hearing Stacy tell the story. The thing that stood out the most to me was her affection and admiration for the birth mom. God wrote something very cool into her story in those early moments and I remember her saying eventually she was going to do something to give back to these amazing women who choose to place their babies.

Fast forward eight or so years, and I start hearing about Three Strands. Stacy along with two other incredible women have finally started pressing forward on their dream to love, serve, and lock arms with a Birth Mom, through a community of Birth Moms, Adoptive Moms, and older Adopted Children. The first project they have taken on is creating “Swag Bags” for birth moms at a local hospital. As news of this first project spread, they began getting inquiries from all over to start a Swag Bag program in their own city.

Screen Shot 2014-01-22 at 11.24.27 PMI can only imagine how the Three Strands story will continue to grow, transform and restore these incredible women that give so freely in such a difficult time. Stacy now has three children and is serving as the Executive director of Three strands. I’m grateful for her passion and openness to sharing her story, even very early on. If you have a chance, check out their site and if you’d like to get involved please contact them by clicking here.

Check back next week for another story that will encourage and inspire us to become the restorers God has called us to be.


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