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Promotion Sunday at The Parish | August 7

Welcome to a new year at The Parish! We’re looking forward to having everyone back together this Sunday, August 7. Don’t forget about our new service times! We’ll worship together at 9am and 10:30am, with full Family Ministry (3 months through 8th grade) available at the later service.

This will also be Promotion Sunday for Family Ministry. If your child has been in a small group at The Parish in the past, you should have received an e-mail from his or her new Small Group Leader. We have some unbelievably awesome men and women at the Parish who have agreed to serve regularly in every age group. This means your kids will have consistent leadership every week.

For Babies and Walkers, we’ve found this makes the transition from parents to church much easier; even the youngest babies learn to recognize their faces quickly. In our Preschool environment, this consistency provides a comfort level for children that encourages them to participate and engage in Bible stories, crafts, and games. Our elementary and middle school leaders are present every week as kids grow in faith and maturity, providing listening ears and encouraging hearts.

For photos and more information on Parish Kids and our Small Group Leaders, click here. If you have any questions about Family Ministry at The Parish, please e-mail us.

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