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Christmas Eve Services at 4 & 6 pm | see details here ‣

Leading Your Kids to Serve

Fall is a busy time, there’s no getting around it. As we move toward the festivities of Thanksgiving (not to mention the big day coming next month) our days and weeks start to include less margin. Many of us look at seasons like this and try to whittle down our commitments to the most important things—the life-long memories we can help make for ourselves and our kids. Check out this article from The Parent Cue about creating a culture in your home that can impress your kids’ hearts for a lifetime.

I grew up hating church. I didn’t have any theological problems with church, I was just bored. Sitting still for more than ten minutes was torture, and sometimes our services went on for two hours! The worst part is that my dad was the pastor, so we were there every time the door was open. And the door was open a lot: Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night.

Sometimes we had “revivals” (which I assumed was a Greek word for “torture young children”). It meant going to a church service every night of the week. My number one goal was to grow up and not go to church. My number two goal was to be an astronaut, but I figured that would get me out of church as well.

Several decades later, and I still attend church almost every weekend. How did I wind up right back at the place I loathed? There are a few reasons … (read more)

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