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The One We’re Waiting For: Renovation & Reconstruction

We wrap up our look into Jesus' caution about the imminent destruction of the Jerusalem temple (Luke 21) and bridge ahead in this first week of Advent. When the Temple falls down, the New Testament writers reveal a startling twist in the story of God's presence in the midst of his people: the temple is now in us!
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The One We’re Waiting For: Obedience in Obscurity

Andy Culp leads us in a discussion around impatience. How do we remain obedient in obscurity, faithful in the mundane? Taking cues from James' epistle and the example of Zechariah, Andy calls us to hold trust in a God whose timeliness is tactical and trustworthy.
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The One We’re Waiting For: All the Law & the Prophets

Flowing out of the conviction that Jesus is the Image of the Invisible God, we explore how we might engage the Bible in the light of His Image. Reading the Scriptures through the lens and filter of Jesus helps us make sense of the surprise ending to Israel’s Old Testament story. Jesus, the new lawgiver, the new prophet, the crucified and resurrected One has become God’s final Word of revelation.
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