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Ordinary Time | Go in Peace to Love & Serve (June 30, 2024)

Ordinary Time 2024
1. Ordinary Time | Power and the Powers (June 9, 2024)
2. Ordinary Time | Training Our Imaginations (Threat, Trust, & The Invisible Powers) (June 23, 2024)
3. Imaginative Entry of Mark 4 & Communion Song and Liturgy | June 23, 2024
4. Ordinary Time | Go in Peace to Love & Serve (June 30, 2024)
5. Ordinary Time | “My Grace is Sufficient for You” (July 7, 2024)
6. Ordinary Time | God Will Speak Peace (July 14, 2024)
7. Ordinary Time | Community, Day by Day (August 4, 2024)

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As we transition from focusing on Pentecost into Ordinary Time, we consider how Jesus sends his followers in peace to love and serve the Lord. Parishioners Kevin Soderman and Laura Boggs also share ordinary ways they have felt called by God to serve others.

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