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A More Beautiful Song | Salt, Light, and Living as Witnesses in the World (September 1, 2024)

A More Beautiful Song
1. A More Beautiful Song | The Narrow Gate & The Good Life (August 18, 2024)
2. A More Beautiful Song | The Golden Rule of Life (August 25, 2024)
3. A More Beautiful Song | Salt, Light, and Living as Witnesses in the World (September 1, 2024)
4. A More Beautiful Song | Anger, Contempt, and Fear (September 15, 2024)

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Jesus says we are the “salt of the land” and the “light of the world” in His Sermon on the Mount. This morning we are invited into a deeper understanding of those words and into a more Christ-like way of being in the world. Continuing our series through the Sermon on the Mount, this week we find ourselves in Matthew 5 & 6.

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