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How does leadership at The Parish work?

The Parish is a Pastor-led, Vestry-supported, Staff-implemented church.

  • Pastors: The Lead Pastor holds principal authority in the spiritual and strategic life of the church under the ecclesial authority of the Bishop of our Diocese (C4SO). The pastoral team sets the vision, mission, values and culture of the church, directs and oversees ministry and spiritual formation efforts, and leads the worship and pastoral care of the congregation.
  • Vestry: The Vestry is a lay council that holds principal authority in the “temporal” life of the church (think financial/organizational affairs and legal matters); influence or voice in spiritual and strategic matters; and relational significance toward supporting the Lead Pastor and safe-guarding the heartbeat of our community. The Vestry models sacrificial leadership and upholds the financial integrity of the church, and members serve staggered terms of 2.5 years. The Vestry is led by the Lead Pastor and subsequently by the Senior Warden of the Vestry.
  • Staff: The staff work together to implement the day-to-day operations and ministry of the church. Staff members are paid and hold specific positions/roles (either pastoral, administrative, or both).

Why is it called a Vestry?

The term “Vestry” originally referred to the vesting room attached to a church building where the clergy would “vest” or put on their robes. Historically, the lay leaders of the church would meet with the Lead Pastor (also known as the Rector) in the Vestry room for their meetings. Over time these lay leaders simply became known as the “Vestry.”

2025 Nomination Process.

Once per year, we enter a discernment process to add new members to the Vestry. A Discernment Team is formed who will prayerfully consider and vet all nominations and determine invitations.

During the nomination window, anyone in The Parish community can nominate a member of our community to be considered for Vestry service. This year’s window runs February 1 through February 23, 2025. To nominate someone for initial consideration for Vestry service, fill out the form below.

A few important notes:

  • If you are nominating someone other than yourself, that individual will need to agree to be considered.
  • If you are nominating yourself, we will send you a questionnaire to get to know more about your interest in serving on the Vestry.
  • Before making a nomination, we encourage you to consider joining us for the upcoming Vestry Information Session, on Sunday, February 16th in between worship gatherings (in the conference room at the Kalen Center). During that time, we’ll share more about the Vestry and the commitments and intention of Vestry service.
Vestry Nomination Form
Vestry Nomination
First Name
Last Name

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