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Lent Practices – Week 5 – 3.16.2018

THEME:Subtracting Independence, Gaining Freedom

BREATH PRAYER: Lord, help me subtract my independence and surrender to You.


While Jesus was standing there, He cried out, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, ‘Out of the believer’s heart shall flow rivers of living water.’”
John 7:37-38


  • In a journal, note the day, time, and place you’re sitting.
  • Open with silence. Set a timer for 1, 3, or 5 minutes so you can be free to rest and breathe deeply.
  • Complete the following sentence in your journal: Today, I feel ________________.
  • Read the centering verse above slowly (aloud or silently).
  • Pause for a few moments of silence, then pray this week’s breath prayer.


Find a quiet place to prayerfully reflect over your previous week.

Open your journal and read what you have written this week. Write a brief summary of what you experienced in your spiritual practices: common themes, significant insights, ways God got your attention.

This week, our prayer was that the Lord would help us subtract our independence and surrender to Him. As you reflect, do you see any instances of Him doing this? Do you sense that He has asked you to do anything specific? Write them down, and thank God for giving You this grace.

Look at your calendar for the upcoming week. As you do so, notice what you are excited about in the coming week, as well as anything that makes you anxious. Offer your upcoming week to God, inviting Him to be with you in each event.

As you close in prayer, thank God for what He has done in you and for you this week.

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Image: Peter Paul Rubens via The Wellcome Collection

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