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Eastertide | God In Us, The World Around Us (May 15, 2022)

Eastertide 2022
1. AfterWords | Easter Sunday (April 17, 2022)
2. Eastertide | Baptism Sunday (April 24, 2022)
3. AfterWords | Reaffirming my Faith through Baptism (April 24, 2022)
4. Eastertide | Death Starts the Party (May 1, 2022)
5. AfterWords | Love, Joy and Homecomings (May 1, 2022)
6. AfterWords | May 8, 2022
7. Eastertide | God In Us, The World Around Us (May 15, 2022)
8. AfterWords | What Is God Up To In Your Life? (May 15, 2022)
9. Eastertide | Acts 2, House Churches (May 22, 2022)
10. AfterWords | Swimming Lessons (May 22, 2022)
11. Eastertide | Family Fight in the Father’s House (May 29, 2022)

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Reverend Benjamin Wills, Founder and Head of School at Peace Prep Academy, is with us again and is teaching on Acts 11:1-18. The morning’s big idea is this: “An encounter with God in us, could begin to transform the world around us.”

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What Is God Up To In Your Life?

by Lisa Goddard

Taking the conversation further, Lisa Goddard offers a 3-minute written reflection on this Sunday gathering. Click the button below to read.

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