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Work With Me | Discerning Vocation (September 26, 2021)

As we enter the "Work with Me" section of our Fall sermon series, John Ott guides us in an exploration of discerning vocation. How can we determine the work God has for us, versus what our ego/ethical expectations require of us? How can we settle into Jesus' promise of a light, well-fitting yoke?
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Walk With Me | Formed by Our Influences (September 19, 2021)

This week, we reflect on the shaping power of the influences and atmospheres around us. What is forming our understanding of what is true and good? What are we being taught to love? We assess our use of media and practice soul care  to meet Jesus amidst the ongoing pandemic. Use the handout below for your own time of journaling practice and to follow along.
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The Work of the People | A Big Enough Table (August 22, 2021)

In this talk, Jordan reminds us of the great feast we are invited to with God. To hold up such a broad, expansive, and inclusive meal we need a big enough table. So we explore how we might "say yes" to all we see in Jesus, which means building a table with legs grounded in all the great Church traditions (contemplative, formational, justice, sacramental, and charismatic). For the guiding image we're using in this series, see here:
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The Work of the People | The Way of the People (August 15, 2021)

As we enter a new season of gatherings at The Kalen Center, we begin a series as a way of rooting and re-orienting ourselves in the way of our Rabbi, Jesus. We'll reflect on the way and work Jesus invites The Parish into, and how we might respond to Jesus' invitations from Matthew 11: Come to Me, Walk with Me, Work with Me, Watch How I Do It.
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